Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Halo @ Medan

I had a lunch appointment with an old friend and waiting for his pick-up at the office gate and saw something remarkable optical phenomenon. At first I thought it was a rainbow, but a halo would fit it better.

So I took the chance of taking the picture of it with the phone.

This one was taken by another colleage.

Free development tools for Windows platform

This might be too late to post this, but anyway...
If you are working on Microsoft Windows platform and wanting a free development tools to develop system, this would be one of the list.
  1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition for IDE
  2. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition for database engine
  3. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Management Studio for database management
  4. Paint.NET for image processing (additional plugin for icons)
These are the tools/technology that I have been using to develop applications and I pretty much enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Google Map with GPS

Downloaded Google Maps for mobile devices yesterday but forgot to test it out until this morning.

With the 3G network, it's even faster than my internet connection when it loads the images. I was evern more thrilled when I turned on the GPS, it just works. ^_^

This was my last location before I lost the GPS signal as I entered the office building. quite accurate. The only problem is that Google does not give enough detailed view of maps in Indonesia (as in not updated and not enough resolution). But.. good enough for now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Screen Capture Utility for Windows Mobile

Ever feel like capturing the screen in your Windows Mobile device?
I found out this little tool that will just do the job; it's free of course. ^_^

And listening to local radio at Mix FM (90.8 FM) screen capture; I like the colour mixing in the interface. ^_^

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Chinese in Windows Mobile

I'm trying to read Chinese characters from e-Sword and found out that by default, my device does not support them. Did some search and found this site. Just download the Chinese fonts and install it. I was depressed as it didn't work at first, but I got the idea or restarting the device. Walla.. it works.

I have been receiving some messages (SMS) with Chinese character in the past and couldn't read it. We'll see later. Usually those kind of SMS come during Chinese New Year. ^_^

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

PDA Reset

Bad day as I arrive in Rantau Prapat.. I dropped my PDA Phone and accidentally initiate phone reset. All of my data including important contacts, appointments, notes, and messages are gone.. forever..

I have not been synchronizing my phone with my laptop for months since I recently formatted my laptop and decided not to install pirated software. I'm now using my original Windows XP Home Edition,, Paint.NET, and lots of other free stuffs.

Anyway.. back to the phone, I'm so stressed out and suddenly so not in the mood to do anything. I plan to get another phone as I return from this trip.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Remote site trip: Dumai

I'm heading for Dumai in this week to implement the weighing system. I could say that it's mature enough to go live in Dumai site. We're still dealing with some problems in handling material FFB for other sites though. Hope that I can finish it while implementing the system in Dumai.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

How fast do you type?

76 words

Lessons from Kung Fu Panda

I’ve seen this movie in cinema few weeks ago and I can say this is one hilarious movie that worth the penny to watch. Lots of valuable lessons can be taken from the story.
I got a forwarded email today about the lessons that people can learn from this animation movie that concluded pretty much everything that can be learned from this movie. Took the liberty of translating it to English.

The secret to be special is you have to believe you’re special
Po was desperate as he hadn’t been able to break the secret inside the Scroll of Dragon, which was simply a page without any writings. His father’s words were the one that actually brought Po back to the spirit and look at himself in the positive side. When we think of ourselves as special persons, then we will have the force to do special things; just like Master Oogway said: “You just need to believe”.

Go after your dream
The fat panda who could hardly move actually mastered Kung Fu. How many of us that actually gives up and fails to reach our dream obstructed by our own negative thoughts? Like Master Oogway (again, he’s the wise) said: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift; that is why it is called the present”. Don’t let ourselves be blocked by failures of the past and fear of the future. Fight and be grateful for the present that God has given to you.

You can’t develop someone before you believe in his/her capabilities, and yours too
Master Shi Fu was reluctant in training Po; he viewed Po as hopeless fat panda. But the condition turned 180 degrees after Shi Fu was convinced by Master Oogway that Po was really the Dragon Warrior and Shi Fu was the only one who could train him.

As teacher or parent, one thing that must stay away from our mind is labeling that this kid has no chance to change (or hope for it matters); it is very easy for us to consider others have no future. Troubles often cause us to lose confidence that we can still guide them.

Every individual learns with its own way and motivation
Shi Fu finally came to realize that Po would be motivated and expressed his full skill if there were food had come into the picture; that Po couldn’t go through training methods the 5 had gone through.

So does every child. There might be different learning styles and the combination of those styles make everyone having a unique learning style; so does the variations of motivations in each and every people. When we forcibly standardize the process of learning, it is assured that there will be kids in risk.

Overly proud of child/student/self will blind ourselves of the true conditions, even leading them to the wrong way
Master Shi Fu loved Tai Lung, his first student so much. He formed Tai Lung such way to fit his (Master Shi Fu’s) hope; giving him the dream that Tai Lung would become the Dragon Warrior and inherit the highest of Kung Fu. Unfortunately, Shi Fu didn’t see the evil side of Tai Lung and had to pay a great price, even nearly lost his own life.

Often we possess the false image of our own child/student/self; and sometimes deliberately putting more lies into the image by allowing channel of information that only suits to our ears, discrediting other true and valid information channel only to please our heart and mind. When we possess the wrong image, we will head to the wrong direction.

Life is full of bitterness, but don’t let it stay in your heart
After betrayed by Tai Lung, Shi Fu never again showed his price and love towards his students. The worst side of bitterness is that we can’t feel nor share love.

Family is very important
In the worst and desperate time, Po was welcomed warmly by his father. It was for his father as well that Po could resolve the secret of The Scroll of Dragon and became the true Dragon Warrior. Have we expressed our support towards our family members?

God Bless.

Methodist Church in Tanggerang is asked to cancel their Sunday service

In the times where I've felt so much comfort, here comes problem that really disturbs my mind.
Got this email from local Methodist mailing list.

Hari minggu 22 Juni 2008, bertepatan dengan pertukaran mimbar Hamba Tuhan GMI Distrik-3/II, sekelompok massa yang meng-atasnamakan masyarakat Gelam Jaya, datang konvoi meminta kami membubarkan ibadah minggu yang sedang berlangsung. Kronologis kejadian sebagai berikut:

Sekitar pkl 07.30 pagi massa mendemo Gereja Katolik yang baru buka, yang terletak di komplek yang sama. Pihak Kepolisian datang memberitahukan hal ini, meminta supaya kami bijaksana dan berhati-hati. Pak polisi berkata “ kami tidak minta supaya ibadahnya dibubarkan, tapi menyerahkan pengamanan sepenuhnya kepada pihak gereja, mohon dupaya ditanggapi dengan bijaksana” Jam 08.00 WIB sebagaimana biasanya kami memulai ibadah. Kebetulan kami sedang melakukan minggu PRMI yang pertama sesudah 12 tahun GMI SolaGracia berdiri, dan semua petugas ibadah PRMI. Pengkhotbah adalah ibu Pdt. Lismawati, dan saya sendiri berada di lantai 2 mengajar anak sekolah minggu. Jam 08.30 WIB massa datang, lebih kurang 20 sepeda motor, dan berteriak “ ini juga gereja …..bakar …. Bubarkan……. “ mereka membawa batu besar di tangan mereka. 3 orang perwakilan minta bertemu dengan pimpinan gereja, (Pdt. Sabam tugas pelayanan di GMI Maranatha Tebet) lalu majelis meminta saya dengan didampingi Lay Leader Jemaat (Bpk. B. Lumbantoruan) bernegosiasi dengan ketiga perwakilan tersebuut. Dalam negosiasi tersebut mereka tetap menuntut supaya ibadah dibubarkan, karena keberadaan gereja ini juga tidak ada ijinnya (katanya). Mereka mengancam bahwa massa akan mengamuk dan melempar, dan lain sebagainya …. Setengah dari jemaat kami keluar karena ketakutan (walau bukan ini yang saya harapkan – tadinya saya berharap jemaat semakin teguh bertekun dalam doa – di dalam gereja). Akhirnya kami minta diberi waktu untuk beribadah hingga jam 09.00 WIB, sehingga boleh dikatakan ibadah kami hanya 1 jam saja. Pengakuan dari perwakilan massa dan pengakuan dari pak Polisi, bahwa kami hanya imbas dari persoalan Gereja Katolik, karena pengurus Katolik mendesak massa dan berkata “ kalau kami dilarang, mengapa yang lain boleh”, sehingga GMI Sola Gracia, GBI El Rapha, dan Kasih Abadi Ministry ( 3 gereja) yang jam ibadahnya sama dengan Katolik, jadi sasaran massa, sedangkan HKI, dan GKPS, yang masuk jam 10.00 pagi tidak diganggu lagi walaupun mereka sama dengan kita beribadah di ruko. Kami melakukan ibadah ke II jam 6 sore seperti biasa, tanpa ada gangguan apa pun. Kami tidak mempunyai bukti photo, atau rekaman Video tentang insiden ini, karena jemaat kami terlalu “takut” untuk melakukannya, dan tiba-tiba semua mengaku tidak punya HP yang ada kamera atau Video (biasanya sih ada, lucu ya…)

Sebagai istri gembala sidang, saya harus mengatakan bahwa jemaat kami Di GMI Sola Gracia saat ini, sudah mulai ciut, dan ketakutan, karena ini adalah pengalaman mereka yang kedua kalinya. Saya pribadi tidak “takut” sedikitpun, namun saya sedikit”tawar hati” karena ternyata jemaat yang kami gembalakan, nyalinya tidak sebesar omongan alias belum siap mati untuk Kristus (he…he…he…). Karena itu mohon dukungan doa para bapak/ibu, jemaat sekalian.

Kami kini mempunyai dua tugas yang maha berat, yang pertama masalah internal yaitu menyembuhkan trauma dan mengembalikan iman jemaat, dan masalah eksternal yaitu status hokum dan sosial kemasyarakatan rumah tempat ibadah kami ini. Untuk masalah eksternal ini, mungkin Tim Hukum GMI Distrik 3/II sudah harus mulai “menggeliat” dan kita harus bersinergi menyelesaikan masalah ini. Kemarin Sola Gracia yang mengalami, mungkin esok lusa GMI yang lain, kenapa kita harus menunggu? Ada baiknya pro-aktif dari pada reaktif… Mohon tanggapan dari Tim Hukun … What should we do?

Terpujilah Allah yang sudah melepaskan kami dari jaring maut. Mohon terus mendoakan kami. Minggu depan gembala sidang dan lay leader ada di konta-Palembang, kalau sampai ada kejadian yang sama, siapakah perpanjangan tangan Tuhan untuk membantu kami ?

In His Grace

Someone did a short translation here or here.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Form Border and Title Bar of .Net WinForm

I came across a case where I've got to display a form right under another's control and found out that the Left and Top property is based on the Form, not the screen. Thus, the form border height and form title bar height must also be considered in the codes.


Here are the codes:

'in VB.NET
Dim BorderWidth as Integer = (Me.Width - Me.ClientSize.Width) / 2
Dim TitlebarHeight as Integer = Me.Height - Me.ClientSize.Height - 2 * BorderWidth
//in C#
int BorderWidth = (this.Width - this.ClientSize.Width) / 2;
int TitlebarHeight = this.Height - this.ClientSize.Height - 2 * BorderWidth;

Fortunately, other guy had solved the problem.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Open Source Library

I've been searching for open source library system for the past 2 weeks and finally concluded that I'm going to implement OpenBiblio in the church library.

The first step is changing the operating system from the pirated version of Windows into a legal Ubuntu copy. ^_^

I came across few nice other open source OPAC and ILS in the Internet; here's the review.

  1. OtomigenX
    This Indonesian-made library system is nice and sleek, but I've got some errors for simple tasks like adding new bibliography records at first experience.
  2. Senayan Library
    A web-based library automation system which is one of the open source projects that supports IGOS. I find this system very robust. However some of the AJAX features are quite annoying:
    • lots of message boxes (JavaScript) that displays silly information like "Welcome to Library Automation, <Username>" and user must click the OK button
    • The page goes black (supposed to be some kind of animation) every time I click something; perhaps the developer wants to express that the system is loading but it's kind of annoying to me

Of course there are more open source projects that can be more complex, but I'm looking for something simple enough to be implemented in a small library. So the winner for now goes to OpenBiblio.

I'll update with the result when I'm finish with it. ^_^

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Open Source Church

I wrote a small desktop application that runs on top of Microsoft .Net Framework and now I don't feel like implementing it in the church's library.

I promised them of that system long time ago and I don't feel much of confidence lately, moreover this naive thoughts of legalizing the software in church.

I've been thinking of implementing open source systems to the church. I wrote this post some time ago and still no action has been taken (even from myself, I don't know why.. Perhaps the fear of rejected and not able to convince the council that they shouldn't use pirated software.)

I just spoke out with some close friends of installing Ubuntu into two of the computers in church (the administration and library).

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy birthday Mom

Years passed by and my mom is now 48. Happy birthday Mom. We love you so much.. ^_^P8130013

A fresh Sunday

Woke up fresh this morning despite of late sleep last night. Went down and rush to wish my mom a 48th birthday and a happy father's day for my dad.

Schedule for today is not so relaxing.. Got 2 church meetings today, a friend's wedding reception to attend in the evening, and mom's little birthday cake ceremony. :-p

Happy weekend. ^_^

Saturday, June 07, 2008

The next generation

"The next generation will surpass the previous one".. As what Kakashi said.. And it's what I've hoped for almost everything including the future of P3MI..

Today should be my last day as the secretary for P3MI.. It has been a pleasure to have worked with them serving God.. I do hope that it does not end here.. It must not end here!

The next generation

Today is the inauguration of the new committee of the youth fellowship in local branch. I've decided not to join the new team. I've also decided to take less part in some of the operational services in church. Don't get me wrong.. I've got other things to do.

Firstly.. I have great plans in re-organizing the computers in church, cause everyone can tell that they're so messed up. Virus and Trojans are in almost every computer, no networking, and the worst of all, they're all using pirated software (I'm so not proud of it!!).

I'm still new in Linux but it seems to be one of the best options I've had in mind. Consulted with some people in the domain for the possibilities and thinking of proposing it to the church council after the election.

I'm determined to fix this infrastructure! Do hope and pray for it can bring glory to God.

Monday, June 02, 2008

One Night With the King

Okay.. Since today is an unofficial holiday... ;-p ^_^ I decided to watch One Night With the King (which I've kept the file for long enough).

A Google Search will return a lot of this movie.

It's a story of Esther, of the book of Esther in the Bible. It's basically a love story with a thick Christian background.

I find this movie quite boring in the first place, but it gets more interesting as it flows. You will grasp the value of this movie better if you have read the chapters in the book of Esther in the Bible.

Well I haven't until I watched the video.. (actually I read the chapters after I watched the movie ^_^)

A very nice movie I can tell. ^_^

Diarrhea saves the "I hate Monday" thing

Okay.. bad start of the week with diarrhea.. Started yesterday already even before I visited Rosman's house warming (I didn't feel good, but didn't think of having this diarrhea -_-)

Well.. I ended up getting an MC for the day for I can't stand going to the toilet all day.

Too bad I can't wish Ronny a birthday today. ^_^.. Happy birthday.. ^_^

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Windows Live Writer

Just installed Windows Live Writer on my home PC. Looks cool too. Haven't got the time to play around with it yet. This blog entry is posted using Windows Live Writer.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Fuel price is up

Yeah.. the title says it out. The fuel price is up.. again. Effective tonight at 00:00 hours. I totally forgot that there were gonna be a long line for refueling, but the bad news was my car had been out of gas.. I had to refuel no matter what..

I recall 2 years ago on October 1st, 2006 when I was still in Serpong working for Sigma, the government did cut off some amount of fuel subsidies.. resulting the increasing price.. My bike was running out of fuel too. And I had to queue for half an hour for some petrol to get home.

What a deja vu. -_^

Monday, May 05, 2008

My birthday

I'm now a quarter of century of age.. ^_^
Feel so grateful that I've got lovely ones to be around. Thanks for all the wishes from families, friends, collages, and others.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Beach Kongkow 2

Today is public holiday and we went to a river an hour drive from town. I didn't get the way cause I was so sleepy on the bus that I slept. Slept quite late yesterday.

Today has been fun. I never knew that we've got such a beautiful place nearby. Sometimes we just travel too far from where we live and not knowing that there are beautiful places nearby.

Some of these guys even took their water cannon toys just to bully people. And she reminds me of Jane Bond. ^_^

It is a wildlife around here.. Not much of contamination yet; and I hope it lasts.

Group photo of everyone.. as always.. ^_^

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Converting DV

Installed Hardy Heron on my laptop, but there seems to be some problem with the display adapter. Have been struggling with it with no luck.. I'm not a hardcore user any way -_-'

I just want to install Ubuntu to convert my DV videos into XviD using mencoder in Kino. Don't know exactly why, but I seem to like to do it in Linux and open source software.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ubuntu 8.04

I simply forgot about the new release of Ubuntu 8.04 today. I was so excited to see new things in Ubuntu. So here I am.. downloading 8.04.

Care to try it out? Get Ubuntu!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

SQL Server Compact

I've been browsing the Internet for some lightweight SQL-based database engine that is easy to deploy with Microsoft .NET application that I'm writing.

All this while, I've been using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for database engine. I find it very powerful and quite pleased with it. However, the installer size is huge and not so easy to deploy.

I'm looking for a simple method to store my data as I need without the hassle of huge and troublesome installation. I came across Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5. First glance looks nice and easy to deploy; it does not require some huge installation files and goes along with Microsoft .NET Framework (as usual ^_^)

However, I realize a huge speed difference with the Express edition. Just to query a record, it takes some time (compared to instant speed with Express edition). Another turn down is the lack of views; I cannot have views in the database.. :-( I use lots of views in my system. In fact, I made my own user control just for that and I've been using it in almost every application I write.

I'll do more reading in this subject.. ^_^
It's late and I've got to be up for work in less than 6 hours.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Internet dictatorship

It comes to the time where Indonesia is one of those countries who block the Internet. Now YouTube, MySpace and other sites that might contain the movie Fitna to be blocked.

What a dumb ass.. Once it is in the Internet, it is no possible way (that I can think of) to stop it being distributed, unless they shut down the internet. ^_^

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Came back to usual routine, and found out about the fuss of Fitna in the Internet forums. Haven't checked the actual video, but everyone seems to take some serious conversations there. The ridiculous part is that the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology sent a letter to YouTube asking them to remove the video from their hosting or they will block all access from Indonesia to YouTube.

Firstly, it shouldn't have been the Ministry of ICT; it should have been the Ministry of Religion initiated the act and asking the Ministry of ICT to do so, but then the Ministry of ICT is still stupid enough if they wanted to block YouTube (even though it proves me that they are stupid enough).

We'll see how it goes for the next 2 days.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Trip with cousins

It's the time we've been up for quite some time.. Sien has more details on what happened here. My impression of China? The worst toilets I've ever seen.. Haha.. In fact, I couldn't understand myself how can a country grow so fast, so modern with the people's mindset like that.

However, I admire the country as it has grown from almost nothing into almost everything. I remember visiting the Wong Fei Hung Memorial Museum in Foshan; 100 years ago he was there with all the background settings (imagined in old movies ^_^) and now, they've got skyscrapers around.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Japan Tour in Chinese New Year 2008

Holiday season is coming. I'm not missing my time for some family trip. I've learned that I should not miss occasion like this; u'll never know when would be your last time being together in laughters.

Took off Polonia at 9th 15:25 and the next flight to Osaka was in midnight GMT +8, so we went around KLIA for a few hours.

The trip was Medan - KL - Osaka - Kyoto - Lake Kawaguchi - Tokyo - KL - Medan.
Had the chance to get to Universal Studio Japan, Tokyo DisneySea and Tokyo Disneyland.

Most of us never actually seen snow with naked eyes, so just imagine the snowball war in the Fuji Visitor Center.

Gong Xi

Happy Chinese New Year..
All by myself in this CNY; suddenly I feel that I'm really alone, that I don't have many friends like I did. Life sucks eh? But at least I get to travel. Going to Japan in 2 days.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Ishak's wedding

Another special day for a good friend of mine, the 120% man (I call him that way coz he always does thing more than expected, even in the small stuffs)

All the best for everything, my friend. God bless you.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

St. Thomas Reunion (Taipan)

Angles came back to Medan for holiday and they called up for a gathering at Taipan (again; we just had one). This time Sylvira, Yenda, and Fenny also joined.

Yeah.. that's Angles on the left with her son.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Anton's wedding

Now the next two days are gonna be a busy and exhausting day for the Edens. My cousin is getting married. This morning was in church and followed by a lunch for almost everyone in town (his late father was an important person in the community); another dinner at Aryaduta Hotel, Medan tomorrow evening.

Happy days for the family. ^_^

Of course I'm not gonna miss some pictures with my gf. ;-p

and my cousin..

and my cousins...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy wedding

The time has come for my dear cousin to move on to a higher level of relationship with his love. Yeah.. he's getting married this week. It's gonna be a busy week.

I've been doing video for slide show in the wedding day, He requested for the song I believe I can fly, which later on I found out that he's been putting that only song in his Winamp player in BroCom.

The next week after this is Ishak's on the 3rd of Feb.

Monday, January 14, 2008

private void

Things haven't been quite as good as it looks in the beginning of this year; too much of shit happened. I started to grumble on my life; suddenly everything has gone blank. Have been doing lots of wrong things.. or at least people around me tend to think so, which kind of intimidating my mind lately that I haven't been such a person I should be.

I haven't been reliable in doing things, forgetting things (way too much, too often).. Being human is so complicated..

Have been so far from God lately.. I feel empty..

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Piracy in Church (IN)

Some of my friends in P3MI had me to write an article about software piracy and link it to church activity quite some time ago, so.. here it is in Indonesian.


It has been good 2 days for the beginning of this year; but for the first time in my life (as long as I can remember), I couldn't sleep. It was 3:34 AM and all I had was the character Nicolae Carpathia. I felt something deeply terrible that I couldn't move on the bed.

I was watching Left Behind while waiting for my mom in my car in the airport parking lot.

I decided to turn on the PC and put some music for the room; it worked for me. ^_^
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 3:2)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Installed Citadel @ office

I managed to successfully install Citadel Groupware on Ubuntu in office. I asked for a junk PC so I can play around with.

Used the Easy Install and sorted it out nicely.
I had some problem before with an old machine; at first they gave me an old machine since it was just a testing, but that machine was troubled indeed.

So the entire IT department is playing around with the groupware. We even have hilariously funny discussions.. ^_^

Good laugh for the day.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

St. Thomas Reunion

First day of 2008, hopefully a good one.. Had a gathering with old friends of St. Thomas 1 senior high school, where I spent my last 2 years of high school.

I met some of those that I haven't seen since I left high school in July 2001.
Had one big meal in Hanamasa Medan and straight to Imperial Cakery just after it.

Hadi showed up with his wife (they're new weds ^_^) Still as funny as before and mature of course.

For those of ex 2C 2000 @ St. Thomas 1 Medan, I've made a private group here. Apply for membership to join.

Lucky Draw System

I made a small program to accommodate the lucky draw in my church. Simply put the parameters (number range) and start the timer to randomly select the values in the listbox.

I uploaded the exe here. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is needed to run it.

I used this small program 3 times for the past 1 week.

Happy New Year 2008

Another year has passed by and we all welcome the year 2008.
Many wish for the best in this new year, but I just got a new year SMS from my manager that changed the way I should think of new years.

Do not only pray for the good year, but most importantly, that we can enjoy the challenges; ask for the strength and wisdom as this year goes for we can cope with the new year.

God does not give out hard times that we cannot handle.
Happy new year to all.. ^_^