Saturday, June 18, 2005

Degree Celebration

I am a degree holder now.. ^_^
Though without formal certificate, this letter conforms that I have finished my study.. ^_^

Batman Begins for celebration with the bretherin [do I spell that right this time, Ahmed?] ^_^
It was awesome.. One thing I like about new movies is that they put up jokes; and I like the jokes in Batman Begins very much. Seems like the best Batman movies I've ever seen. ^_^

And a chill at the evening with addition to serious meeting.. ^_^
The joints of both of my arms feel like going off.. This has been a good day.


Anonymous said...

Wilson, it's spelt brethren ;-)

Anonymous said...

COngrats on your degree
Damn..its my suffering year now T_T

Melina ^__^