Saturday, November 18, 2006

Protests on Bush's visit

The US President George W Bush is coming to Bogor to meet the Indonesian President SBY on this coming 20th November. However, as many of the Indonesians have noticed, that protests and demonstrations have been going on rejecting Bush's visit. Despite of the only 10 hours being in Bogor, there has been relatively big budget projected for his visit.

What I'm trying to point out is that the number of protests going on across the country; that I have no idea what on earth they are thinking of condemning Bush for coming to Indonesia. I've seen on the news people using the name of Islam to say inappropriate words towards the guest, even some are trying to use spiritual powers to deal with Bush upon his visit. This is ridiculous.

Haven't we been taught to respect our guests? President SBY visit the US last May and September and he was greeted very well, and with not a small budget from the US government if I may say. But why would these Indonesians trouble about it? I could even see the leaders of some Islamic political party, the members of the House of Representative are condemning. I wonder how this country would ruin should they lead the government.

How many productive hours these people have wasted by just going to the streets protesting such useless thing? They could have done more important things than telling what the president should do while they are not doing their part themselves.

Boikot of US products
And here is a more ridiculous part of the demonstration; some people wants to boikot all US products. These guys obviously can't think and should they lead a country, it would be off the map in no time. Let's take a simple example of our living products; what can be done without anything made or initiated by the US scientists? Say computers? U don't want to use DELL, let's use computers made in Taiwan then, OK.. Fair enough, what operating system? Windows is obviously a US product and I say it's bullshit if the government wants to erase Microsoft from Indonesia..

Personal or Religion
I don't understand why most (all if I may say, because that is what I have been seeing all this while) of the wild and nonsense protests are from people who take Islam. I believe Islam is a peaceful religion; I have wonderful Muslim friends who I think are much better than my Christian friends. I suppose it's just people misinterpret things a lot.

btw, hope Bush is coming to bring a better situation for both countries.

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