Friday, October 06, 2006

Anoter half-way SAP implementation

I'm assigned to another trip to the same remote site for SAP implementation. And this time I'm bringing my laptop with me (I found out that it would take at least a week). So it happened to be a whole week (2-6 Oct 2006)

The same story this time as previously; as expected, my module couldn't run smoothly coz MM didn't run smoothly.

Had a heavy flu on Thursday.. couldn't work properly.. I was supposed to supervise the production operative to key in data into SAP system; so I ended up in bed. Took some medicines and another happy good morning the next day. ^_^

Came back on Saturday early morning (5 am) and reached office before 1 pm. I drove half way (3 and half hours, bout almost 200 km). Still half ill.

A week has gone without being in the main office. ^_^

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