Monday, May 22, 2006

Soe Hok Gie

Not many that know the person Soe Hok Gie (蘇福義), an Indonesian-Chinese university student who gave a lot for his country even at his very young age. (I too just knew this myself)

I've never even actually heard of his name before; moreover that a Chinese in Indonesia really took part in making life better of his country. Too bad he died young (one day before his 27th birthday).

His story is mostly about his personal notes that he wrote since he was 14. The writings was very organised and nice written and reflect his honest conversation with himself. It's so transparent that he didn't think that people would read it at all. If he's still alive in this time, I'm quite sure he would blog and put out his mind to the world.

One of the famous notes he wrote was:
"Nasib terbaik adalah tidak dilahirkan
yang kedua dilahirkan tapi mati muda, dan
yang tersial adalah umur tua. Rasa-rasanya memang begitu.
Bahagialah mereka yang mati muda."
-- Soe Hok Gie: 22 Januari 1962

"The best fate is not being born
second is born but die young, and
the damned is long live. It feels like that.
Be glad for those who die young."
-- Soe Hok Gie: January 22, 1962

Some other articles:
There has been a movie of his story released on 2005 that I haven't watched and plan to watch.
I bought the book online (in which also my first experience buying things online) and had it sent to my office.

1 comment:

cerebellum said...

haha.. w juga pertamanya lihat dari blog u. tadinya mau refer, tapi nga keliatan lagi linknya.. :-p