Friday, August 17, 2007

My Indonesia

Happy independence day for my beloved country of Indonesia. 62 years after the proclamation of the independence.
Came across this song "Bendera" (Flag) by Cokelat on TV.

I can't seem to find the video clip that I saw on TV, but I found this on YouTube.

Here is the lyric:
{Biar saja ku tak sehebat matahari
Tapi ku slalu mencoba tuk menghangatkanmu
Biar saja ku tak setegar batu karang
Tapi ku slalu mencoba tuk melindungimu

Biar saja ku tak seharum bunga mawar
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk mengharumkanmu
Biar saja ku tak seelok langit sore
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk mengindahkanmu

Kupertahankan kau demi kehormatan bangsa
Kupertahankan kau demi tumpah darah
Semua pahlawan-pahlawanku

Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Ku kan selalu menjagamu}

though I am not as great as the sun
but I always try to make you warm
though I am not as strong as rock
but I always try to protect you

though I am not as fragrant as rose
but I always try to [make you smell good]*
though I am not as beautiful as sunset sky
but I always try to [make you look good]*

I protect you for the honor of the country
I protect you for the blood of all my heroes

Red and White may you keep waving
in the top of the highest pole in my Indonesia
Red and White may you keep waving
in the top of the highest pole in my Indonesia
I will always take care of you
* some words might not be appropriate, but those are the best I can do for now

I'm not into Indonesian Idol, but they appeared to sing this song too and inspired many people in the country.

If u happen to have an account in, u might want to check out this picture.

May this country become greater and greater in God's way, so do the others.
Happy independence day.

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