Thursday, July 26, 2007

Windows Vista takes up 21% of total sales of Windows in Indonesia

According to, Windows Vista takes up 21% of the total sales of Microsoft Windows operating system in Indonesia.

Microsoft Indonesia has been offering some of Windows Vista's best features including Parental Control and support of DirectX 10 for gaming. They are pushing three main scenarios for Windows Vista: computer for family, computer for gaming, and computer for business.

But still, the most basic feature such as slow copy in Windows Vista has not been resolved by Microsoft while the issue has been there since the beta.

Microsoft published a knowledge base on this issue but still does not provide a reliable solution to this issue.

How the hell can Windows Vista passed the QA in the first place?

1 comment:

MrGritz123 said...

windows visa is the right kind of quality not to old or too new its in the middle. thats why its so a awsome computer