Sunday, June 04, 2006

Busy weekend

It's been a busy weekend. I had three meetings in a row today at church. But I've been enjoying this so much. Thinking a lot for church, cleaning the mess, making systems, and hopefully bringing order to the organisation.

The first meeting was a two-hours meeting for the August programme by the youth. I'm taking the lead on this. And we've got plenty of challenges to deal with. From the birocracy to technical problems. ^_^ But I believe that we all can grow in this.

Second was the bulletin meeting. I have just joined the bulletin team that was organised a couple of months ago; we're publishing bulletins across the comission unit at church. Lots of planning required in this. But God helps. ^_^

And in the evening, the youth fellowship meeting. Technically, it's the first meeting after the premier. We talked about general programmes, some systems that need to be created, and objectives.

Back at home before 9 pm and I'm calling it a day. ^_^
Another monday is coming tomorrow.. Argh... -_-'

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