Friday, September 23, 2005

work and learn

Today is my fifth day i'm working here and it has been quite a fun place with such 'pain in the ass' Report Program Generator running on IBM AS/400 machine that I didn't know of in the first place.

Such a structured programming compared to other modern programming language like C, Java, especially VB.NET ^_^ that they even restrict the usage of the columns in a line (this was quite confusing for the first time), but things are getting better now. As of now, I am still officially learning the RPG, AS/400, and the CL (Control Language) Programming (like batch in Win32 and Shell programming in Linux).

OK then.. I'd better get back to work. Break time is over.. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, The application that you are using is Infinium, right?
